I am an artist, writer, educator, and arts administrator living and working in Eugene, Oregon. After studying civil engineering at Cornell University and at the Hamburg University of Technology in Germany, I received a BFA in interdisciplinary studies from the San Francisco Art Institute and a master's degree in visual art and textiles from Goldsmiths University of London. I was the public programs director and a visual studies faculty member at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) in Los Angeles from 2002-2012 and have been doing similar work since 2013 for the University of Oregon School of Art + Design Department of Art and Center for Art Research (CFAR). My work has been exhibited nationally in galleries, museums, and non-profit spaces and has been reviewed and published in catalogs, books, and print periodicals including the New York Times, New York Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, Architectural Record, McSweeny’s, and New American Paintings.


Contact: wendyheldmann at gmail dot com